What Is The Bright Ideas Project?

The Bright Ideas Project, proudly powered by VSECU, is Highlight’s engine for crowdsourcing programming at Highlight, Burlington’s official New Year’s Eve celebration.

The ideal proposal supports, celebrates, and shares what’s important to you while also having a positive impact on the greater community.

Events may have elements of music, art, technology, food, literature, theater, and just about anything else you can think of!

We look for big, creative, and complete ideas. For example, instead of submitting a performance from your band, try to think in a larger way about a multi-hour event that includes other performers, visual art, food, or other creative elements. The more complete and inclusive your idea is, the better. We aim to create unique experiences that people won’t find anywhere else!

What Does the Bright Ideas Project Provide?

Each selectee receives support from Highlight in various areas including:


Highlight may fund events completely or in-part. Highlight disperses funds according to a contract facilitated by Burlington City Arts. Please make sure your event can work within a flexible budget. Events are more likely to receive funding when the request is lower than the full $8,000. When an event is funded, a payment totaling 75% of the award will be made on October 18, 2024, pending the submission of a complete contract and W9 by October 7, 2024. The remaining 25% will be paid on December 31, at the time of your event.


Highlight determines a fixed amount of consulting from BCA and Signal Kitchen for each selectee. The services can be used for production, planning, permitting, booking, graphic design, copywriting, marketing, and/or communications. We will work with each applicant to determine how and where support will be most useful.

Download this information as a PDF and check out previously funded Bright Ideas!


Q: Can multiple groups be a part of one proposal?

A: You may collaborate with as many people, groups, or businesses as you like, but only one person will receive and be responsible for the award.


Q: Can I use additional money from my business or personal budget, new and/or existing sponsorships agreements, grants, other awards, etc. for the event?

A: Yes, as long as these funding sources currently exist or are deemed likely to be procured within the timeframe of this project.


Q: Can I advertise the event on my own platforms?

A: Yes. Highlight strongly encourages you to self-promote your event in addition to the overall marketing campaign that Highlight will design and execute. Highlight will provide you with marketing assets that you are strongly encouraged to use in promotion. You must represent our sponsors, project partners, and Highlight itself in good fashion.


Q: Can I profit off my event?

A: Yes.


Q: I am already planning an event or have held similar events in the past. Can my existing event become a part of Highlight?

A: Yes.


Q: I would like to become a sponsor of Highlight. Where can I get more information?

A: Email us at hello@highlight.community


Q: I have more questions! What do I do?

A: Applicants are encouraged to read through these requirements, criteria and eligibility carefully before contacting staff with questions. However, we are happy to connect with you regarding your ideas and help make them a reality. If you are unsure of the feasibility of an idea and want to check it with us before you spend a lot of time in development, that is ok, too. We can’t guarantee anything in advance, but we can offer insight. Direct questions to hello@highlight.community.